Los santos sucios

Film Information:


Dirty Saints




Luis Ortega




35 mm


86 min


  • INTÉRPRETES: Alejandro Urdapilleta, Luis Ortega,
  • Emir Seguel, Rubén Albarracín K. J., Brian Buley


  • GUIÓN: Luis Ortega, Emir Seguel, Alejandro Urdapilleta
  • FOTOGRAFÍA: Guillermo Nieto
  • MONTAJE: Luis Barros
  • PRODUCCIÓN: Diego Dubcovsky, Ignacio Rey


  • Contacto / Contact
  • BD Cine / Sudestada Cine
  • T +54 11 4554 5182
  • +54 11 4373 2010
  • E info@bdcine.net
  • info@sudestadacine.com
  • W www.bdcine.net
  • www.sudestadacine.com


A ruin-like landscape, with a decimated population, holds a minimum group of survivors that build up a story of resistance where mystery and beauty unite in a torn feeling. In the search of frameworks to embrace the drifting, vitality and confusion of the characters, Luis Ortega follows a path where freedom continues to be the power of his look, now confronting his poetic as one of the characters along with Alejandro Urdapilleta and Emir Seguel, whom he also elaborated the script with. In “Los santos sucios” (The dirty saints) there is some collective creation as a way of poetic resistance in the face of a world less and less habitable for the possessed and marginal. In this devastated world the characters are a homosexual couple, an old man that rings a bell to keep a certain order, a big mute guy, and a girl called Monito. Almost all of them have the aim of crossing a wide river which abundant waters look like a reality rather than a promise. The geography of the movie goes from the industrial post-apocalyptical urban landscape to the rural of grocery stores, from roads to woods, from beautiful nature framework to digital lyric and absorbent invention, from loss of hope to sudden humor.

Dates and Times