Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ministerio de Cultura

Film info: Solar System

Film Information

Original Title Solar System
English Title Solar System
Director Thomas Heise
Year 2011
Format HD
Colour Color
Duration 100 min
  • Guión: Thomas Heise
  • Fotografía: Robert Nickolaus, Jutta Tränkle, René Frölke
  • Montaje: Trevor Hall
  • Producción: Thomas Heise, Goethe-Institut, Buenos Aires, Instituto de cinematografía del ZKM (Centro de Arte y
  • Medios) de la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Karlsruhe.


An old acquaintance of local audiences, Thomas Heise leaves his exploration of German historical memory aside for a moment and films in our country for the first time. More precisely, he films in the superb natural locations of Oran, in the Salta province, home of the Kolla Tinkunaku indigenous community. Without any words, almost no sounds other than the ones of nature –the wind coming down from the valleys and mountains; thunders stirring the dark of the night; a cow giving birth–, Solar System articulates a story that’s pure cinema: the one regarding the slow but fatal disappearance of a culture lying at the crossroads between old traditions and modernity. Heise’s persistent eye reflects that agony without overly-moving or condescending tones, and focuses constantly on the everyday life made of hard work, religious rituals set against stunning landscapes, and the trip to higher grounds when the fall rains come. And it allows itself to break that silence with a heartbreaking music score in the long final travelling shot, which can be heard, perhaps, as a requiem.

Date and Times

email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires