Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ministerio de Cultura

Film info: La Campagne de Cicéron

Film Information

Original Title La Campagne de Cicéron
English Title Cicero's Country
Director Jacques Davila
Year 1989
Colour Color
Duration 110 min
  • Tonie Marshall, Michel Gautier, Sabine Haudepin, Jacques Bonnaffé, Judith Magre
  • Guión: Jacques Davila
  • Fotografía: Jean-Bernard Menoud
  • Montaje: Christiane Lack
  • Producción: Nicole Azzaro, Guy Cavagnac, Jacques Leclère, Jean Petit


Unemployed after getting kicked out from the play he was rehearsing in Paris, and in the middle of a crisis with his partner Françoise, Christian takes refuge in his friend Nathalie’s home with the hope of clearing out his mind. But the arrival of another man brings such tension to the place that Christian decides to move to the “Cicerone Field”, which is owned by another friend of his. Once there, he will realize Françoise was also invited. In a letter to the director, Rohmer wrote: “You bring rigor, invention, intelligence, poetry (the real one, not that one from music videos), truth, the beauty of the words and gestures, and last but not least after so many gloomy years, humor. Your film proves not only that cinema is not ‘over’, but also that the world you analyze and document hasn’t fully revealed its everyday splendor. It’s one of those films that teaches us to see and invites us to say, like Rimbaud: ‘Now I can salute beauty’”.

Date and Times

email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires