Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires Agenda Cultural de Buenos Aires

Film Info

Film Information

Exhibition Title Hábitat
English Title Habitat
Director Ignacio Masllorens
Year 2013
Format DM
Colour Color
Duration 40'
  • G, F, P, PE: Ignacio Masllorens
  • E: Sofía di Paola
  • CP: El Rayo Verde
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The places where we live modify us, and vice versa –a relationship that is in constant motion. The city can be an aggressive, invasive, and inhuman place, but when it is captured by Ignacio Masllorens’ camera, it appears instead as an attractive and docile place that is filled with mystery. The tour stars off in the depths of nature, or at least the deepest spot the city is able to offer. It’s like a creature that comes alive and later moves with a placid but constant pace through the city of Buenos Aires, searching and discovering not only an exterior world made of hidden corners, historical trees, or geometrically unique facades, but also secret interiors like a factory, a mall, or a messy anonymous apartment. The absence of characters provides the film with a tone that seems at times ghostly, and at times appears to have captured the exact moment when the world was doing something else, in some other place. Without the need to produce a comprehensive analysis, Habitat offers an architectonic, social, and aesthetic document. A unique and revealing look into a city we live in but not always appreciate. LL


Schedule for this film

email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires