
Del entrenamiento al montaje - El trabajo creativo del actor's biography

Del entrenamiento al montaje - El trabajo creativo del actor

Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

This workshop proposes the production of scenic material by the actor/performer through the use of developed tools, used in a model acting training based on an intense physical and vocal work.

Diego Starosta – Buenos Aires / Argentina

Time: from 4pm to 5 pm

This workshop lasts 3 days: October 13th, 14th and 15th.


mar 13 / 14:00 h

From training to staging – The creative work of the actor

WorkshopsEl Muererío Teatro
mie 14 / 14:00 h

From training to staging – The creative work of the actor

WorkshopsEl Muererío Teatro
jue 15 / 14:00 h

From training to staging – The creative work of the actor

WorkshopsEl Muererío Teatro