
IUNA - Sede Venezuela


Venezuela 2587


Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires


2, 56, 62, 84, 88, 98, 101, 103, 115, 118, 129, 168, 188


dom 11 / 21:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: Dóciles y útiles


The institution these automats belong to, has decided to organise the 11th Inter-State Contest and demands, for the event to be successful, that their young bodies produce all the necessary they need, in order to win. Those who disobey will be murdered. This performance shows, through humour, the whole universe of production by putting special emphasis on the alienation and the human being’s loss of essence.

dom 11 / 23:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: Dóciles y útiles


The institution these automats belong to, has decided to organise the 11th Inter-State Contest and demands, for the event to be successful, that their young bodies produce all the necessary they need, in order to win. Those who disobey will be murdered. This performance shows, through humour, the whole universe of production by putting special emphasis on the alienation and the human being’s loss of essence.

lun 12 / 10:00 h
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Lamp scenic movements


Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

A group of people will be instructed in this unsual dance movement. This group will later work on the presentation of Are you really lost? during FIBA.

Octavio Zeivy – México DF / Mexico

Time: from 10am to 2pm

This workshops lasts 5 days: from October 12th to October 16th.

lun 12 / 21:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: Dóciles y útiles


The institution these automats belong to, has decided to organise the 11th Inter-State Contest and demands, for the event to be successful, that their young bodies produce all the necessary they need, in order to win. Those who disobey will be murdered. This performance shows, through humour, the whole universe of production by putting special emphasis on the alienation and the human being’s loss of essence.

mar 13 / 10:00 h
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Lamp scenic movements


Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

A group of people will be instructed in this unsual dance movement. This group will later work on the presentation of Are you really lost? during FIBA.

Octavio Zeivy – México DF / Mexico

Time: from 10am to 2pm

This workshops lasts 5 days: from October 12th to October 16th.

mie 14 / 10:00 h
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Lamp scenic movements


Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

A group of people will be instructed in this unsual dance movement. This group will later work on the presentation of Are you really lost? during FIBA.

Octavio Zeivy – México DF / Mexico

Time: from 10am to 2pm

This workshops lasts 5 days: from October 12th to October 16th.

jue 15 / 10:00 h
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Lamp scenic movements


Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

A group of people will be instructed in this unsual dance movement. This group will later work on the presentation of Are you really lost? during FIBA.

Octavio Zeivy – México DF / Mexico

Time: from 10am to 2pm

This workshops lasts 5 days: from October 12th to October 16th.

vie 16 / 10:00 h
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Lamp scenic movements


Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

A group of people will be instructed in this unsual dance movement. This group will later work on the presentation of Are you really lost? during FIBA.

Octavio Zeivy – México DF / Mexico

Time: from 10am to 2pm

This workshops lasts 5 days: from October 12th to October 16th.

dom 18 / 21:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: Dóciles y útiles


The institution these automats belong to, has decided to organise the 11th Inter-State Contest and demands, for the event to be successful, that their young bodies produce all the necessary they need, in order to win. Those who disobey will be murdered. This performance shows, through humour, the whole universe of production by putting special emphasis on the alienation and the human being’s loss of essence.