Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires

De Fierro (Salta)

Play Information

Original Title De Fierro (Salta)
English Title On Fierro
Director Fernando Arancibia & Claudia Peña (La Faranda)
Year 2011
Lenght 60 min


  • Fernando Arancibia, Claudia Peña


  • AUTOR DE LA OBRA: José Hernández, Fernando Arancibia, Claudia Peña
  • COMPAÑÍA: La Faranda
  • DIRECTOR DE LA OBRA: Fernando Arancibia, Claudia Peña
  • MÚSICA: Fernando Arancibia, Claudia Peña
  • DISEÑO DE ILUMINACIÓN: Fernando Arancibia
  • DISEÑO DE SONIDO: Fernando Arancibia
  • DISEÑO DE ESCENOGRAFÍA: Fernando Arancibia, Claudia Peña
  • DISEÑO DE VESTUARIO: Fernando Arancibia, Claudia Peña
  • PRODUCCIÓN: Fernando Arancibia, Claudia Peña


On Fierro (De Fierro) is a free version of José Hernández´ Martín Fierro interpreted by mechanized and rodded puppets. This large format presentation is a two-leveled stage with handcraft special effects and over fifty puppets in every size; it is not a show for children since it’s been specifically designed for adults. Sinister characters, ambiguous humor and esthetic irony are the features of this national literary classic adaptation which depicts Argentine History past and present. Gaucho-rhymes will be uttered by a puppet which is literally made out from ferrum to retell social unfairness stories which recall old bitter tastes pathetically repeated along the national past. All is allowed in the universe of adult puppets: from naïf humor making the audience laugh like children to a more picaresque political tone. The characters of Sarmiento and the Indian revive old confronting passions to which the audience fervently responds ,i.e.: old premises are still alive and Martín Fierro can still pave the way for deep thought about Argentine current affairs.


email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires