Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires

A cidade é uma só?

april 21

Cine Cosmos - UBA


Film information

Director ← [ + info ]

Adirley Queirós

Born in Ceilândia, Brazil, he was a professional soccer player until a major injury left him out of the fields at age 25. When he was 28 he enrolled in the University of Brazilia, where he specialized in Film. He directed short films like the documentary documental Rap, o canto da Ceilândia (2005) and Dias de greve (2009), and the TV doc Fora de campo (also in 2009).

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email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires