Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires

Film Info
As canções

Film Information

Exhibition Title As canções
Original Title As canções
English Title Songs
Director Eduardo Coutinho
Year 2011
Format HD
Colour Color
Duration 91'
  • Intérpretes / Cast: Dea, Gilmar, Esmeralda, Jose Barbosa, Sonia
  • Guión / Scriptwriter: Eduardo Coutinho
  • Fotografía / Cinematography: Jacques Cheuiche
  • Edición / Editing: Jordana Berg
  • Producción / Producer: João Moreira Salles,
  • Mauricio Andrade Ramos
  • Compañía Productora / Production Company: VideoFilmes
More info:


Set as a series of fixed, up-close-and-personal interview shots, Songs takes ordinary people up to a stage and quietly listens to them as they sing a song that marked their lives forever. Around fifteen colorful characters will sit on the same spot, revealing a side of their lives and the songs that link them to it while veteran Coutihno remains unseen on the other side, stating only a couple of on-screen questions throughout the whole film. Of course, since these are mostly love stories (and they mostly end up in heartbreak) tears will burst in more than one occasion, but, clearly not because they were sough of by the director. The reason, instead, we’ll find it in Coutinho’s precise directing, which manages to tap into the power of music at its core (i.e., emotions). As Sam Fuller once said, emotions are also a big part of cinema’s essence, and Songs simple rollout of ordinary stories and beautifully performed songs displays that connection and makes the most out of it.


Schedule for this film

12 Apr / 18:45 h
sold out
sold out
13 Apr / 17:15 h
sold out
sold out
16 Apr / 19:00 h
sold out
sold out


email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires