Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (Gratis)

april 15

Anfiteatro del Parque Centenario


Film information

Director ← [ + info ]

Jalmari Helander

He was born in Helsinki, Finland, in 1976. He started his career in advertising making commercials and music videos. He directed the shorts Jäämies, Maximillian Tarzan (both in 1999), Ukkonen (2000), Rare Exports Inc. (2003), Rare Exports: The Official Safety Instructions (2005) and The Fakir (2006).

La entrada para esta actividad especial es gratuita. El ingreso está sujeto a la capacidad del Anfiteatro.

Admission to this special activity is free and subject to venue capacity.


Same day, same hour


email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires