Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires Agenda Cultural de Buenos Aires

Roxana Amed y Frank Carlberg's biography

Roxana Amed y Frank Carlberg
ar Argentina


The idea of this joint album, La sombra de su sombra, emerged as a natural corollary of collaborations that started in 2011 between New York-based Finnish pianist-composer Frank Carlberg and Argentine singer-songwriter Roxana Amed. Familiar with Carlberg’s poetry-based original compositions, Amed presented him with the writings of the major authors of Argentine literature, and in the New York winter of 2012 Carlberg wrote the first pieces for poems by Alejandra Pizarnik. This work written for voice and piano, conceived as a concert piece in terms of concept and length, reflects the main themes of Pizarnik’s poetry: silence, loneliness, love and death. The material selected by Carlberg – from such works as Árbol de Diana (1962), Otros poemas (1959) and Los trabajos y las noches (1965) – is unified by the universality of its content. Recorded partly in Brooklyn, the album features guest singer Christine Correa on four songs, for a highly dramatic duo performance with Amed, marked by intense improvisation and interaction. In this modest material, Carlberg shows a different compositional language from previous works, and some pieces are reminiscent of the music of Buenos Aires as a way to evoke the poet’s homeland. The album was released in May 2013 in the United States and in Argentina, and was premiered live in Maine and New York last April and May. The material will now be presented at the Festival.

