
Esteban Sehinkman's biography

Esteban Sehinkman

Born in Buenos Aires in 1973, Esteban Sehinkman took his first lessons in classical piano at age 15 with Susana Spadini. In 1993 he entered the Escuela de Música Popular de Avellaneda, where he graduated. In 1998 he moved to Boston to attend the Berklee College of Music, where he studied jazz and contemporary composition with teachers such as Joanne Brackeen, George Garzone, Hal Crook and John Bavicchi, among others. He graduated with honours and moved to Chicago in 2001.
Back in Buenos Aires after five years in the States, he formed a septet with which he recorded Búfalo (Limbo Music, 2007). In 2009 he independently released El sapo argentino de boca ancha, together with Daniel “Pipi” Piazzolla on drums and Matías Méndez on electric bass.
Esteban is also actively involved in the teaching and production fields: he leads the Real Book Argentina (a non-profit project that compiles and disseminates musical works written by over 180 Argentine jazz composers), and teaches at music schools as well as privately. •