Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ministerio de Cultura

Biography / Synopsis

Guillermo Fernández y Demoliendo Tangos's biography

Guillermo Fernández y Demoliendo Tangos

The singer Guillermo Fernandez, the concertina player and actor Luis Longhi and the pianist Federico Mizrahi chose a very original approach of the genre: the tango thought as teaching material for kids. They got together to compose a series of tangos, waltzes, milongas, murgas and candombes mixing tango with popular music and comic strip. The result is the album-book El tango es puro cuento, which consists of 13 songs and drawings especially made by many illustrators. Coordinated and directed by Fernandez, Longhi and Mizrahi themselves (the last two, members of the group Demoliendo Tangos), the multidisciplinary team was formed by the cartoonists Tute, Alfredo Sábat, Peni, Max Aguirre, Pablo Fernandez, Sebastian Dufour, Gabriel Sainz, Pablo Bernasconi, Poly Bernatene, Calvi, Parés, Fayó and Julieta Arroquy, and by guest artists Alejandro Dolina, Alejandro Balbis, Horacio Fontova, Soledad Villamil, Kevin Johansen, Ligia Piro, Walter "Chino" Laborde and Alfredo Piro. They present, live, a multimedia show accompanied by the contemporary dance group Tempotango led by Ignacio Gonzalez Cano.


Aug 14 / 15:00 h
Aug 14 / 17:00 h


Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ministerio de Cultura