Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ministerio de Cultura

Cine & Jazz

Charlie Haden, de Reto Caduff

04 dic
18:00 h
Tocó con todos, su bajo fue protagonista desde los años del free jazz con cuyo rey, Ornette Coleman, estuvo también. Aquí lo vemos junto a su familia, contando su larga historia que combina vanguardia con compromiso político, y rodeado de testimonios de gente amiga como Keith Jarrett, Pat Metheny y Carla Bley.

He played with all the musicians; his double-bass was one of the major figures since the free jazz period whose king, Ornette Coleman also played with him. In this movie we can see him with his family, telling his long history that combines avant-garde with political commitment, and surrounded by friends that act as witnesses such as Keith Jarrett, Pat Metheny and Carla Bley.


Centro Cultural Recoleta

Ficha técnica

Charlie Haden: Rambling Boy

Reto Caduff

Suiza, 2009.

Duración: 84 minutos.

email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 de L a V de 10 a 20 h
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires