Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires


jp  Mieko Miyazaki 's biography

Mieko Miyazaki


Koto player Mieko Miyazaki studied koto and shamisen in the Tokyo National University for Arts and Music. After graduating with honors and performing extensively on radio, television and at official events, she began a career as a singer and songwriter. Since 1999, she has been leading her musical projects with which she has recorded more than ten albums. She has lived in France since 2006, where she performs with: Koto2Evans, a jazz quartet that plays music by Bill Evans; Voce Ventu, a polyphonic choir from Corsica; and a trio with violin and accordion.

email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires