
Tren's biography


A group of members of some more commercial than traditional religion, take a train at Constitución station towards the Atlantic coast to take part in a spiritual meeting. This idea is the excuse that uses Piel de Lava to put on stage a performance that is highly supported by the drama of the actresses, while a multimedia device contributes with dynamism by the projecting the road through the window.

Photo: Pablo Sternbach

Tren/ Train
by Piel de Lava and Laura Fernández
Cast: Piel de Lava (Elisa Carricajo, Valeria Correa, Pilar Gamboa and Laura Paredes)
Lighting and space design: Matías Sendón
Costume design: María Laxague
Photography and design: Pablo Sternbach
Video production: Agustín Mendilaharzu and Mariano Llinás
Edition: Alejo Moguillansky and Santiago Esteves
Digital Composition: Alejo Varisto
Video performance: Esteban Bigliardi, Valentín Arnedo, María Clara Uribe Vargas
Sound: Rodrigo “Loro” Sánchez Mariño
Song interpreter: Laura Citarella
Interpreter, arrangements and orchestration: Gabriel Chwojnik
Musical production: Mariano Llinás
Production: Lalo Rotavería and Piel de Lava
Direction: Piel de Lava and Laura Fernández
S Prize won by the group Piel de Lava in 2008 y Mac Station Award to new technologies in 2007.
Length: 60 minutes
Opening: March 13th, 2009, Teatro Anfitrión, Buenos Aires, Argentina



mar 06 / 21:00 h

Buenos Aires / Argentina: Tren

ShowsTeatro Anfitrión
lun 12 / 21:00 h

Buenos Aires / Argentina: Tren

ShowsTeatro Anfitrión