
Caras y caretas

Caras y caretas

Venezuela 330


Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires


2, 22, 24, 29, 33, 54, 61, 62, 64, 74, 86, 103, 111, 130, 143, 152, 159


mie 07 / 19:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: The victory to La Madrecita


The play is about La Madrecita; a girl from the northern part of the country ,who is said to have special miraculous powers, and her untiring sister. While one lives having visions all the time, fighting against the eventual visits of the devil, and receiving pilgrims; the other one dedicates herself to administrate the charity money that people give them. But one day, upon having been expelled from their place, they move to a very agitated Buenos Aires right in the midst of its last dictatorship.

mar 13 / 19:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: The victory to La Madrecita


The play is about La Madrecita; a girl from the northern part of the country ,who is said to have special miraculous powers, and her untiring sister. While one lives having visions all the time, fighting against the eventual visits of the devil, and receiving pilgrims; the other one dedicates herself to administrate the charity money that people give them. But one day, upon having been expelled from their place, they move to a very agitated Buenos Aires right in the midst of its last dictatorship.