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Pablo Bobrowicky

Pablo Bobrowicky studied classical guitar with the best teachers in Argentina and with Jim Hall in New York, at the age of 23. He played alongside Norberto Minichillo for 3 years, of which stood out the originality of his phrases and the jazz traces that can be recognised in his performing other styles like murga, candombe, chacarera and African rhythms.

He has played and recorded with Ed Simon, Bobby Watson, Eric Revis, Bruce Cox, Luis Agudo, Fabio Morgera, Sam Newsome, Renato Chico, Pepi Taveira and others; with them he shared stages in Argentina, the United States and Europe.


Friday 17


Trio Brasil & Pablo Bobrowicky
Payable show: $15. Compulsory minimum purchase. Gatherings


Vinicius Dorin & Abel Rogantini Trio
Payable shows: $15. Compulsory minimum purchase. Gatherings
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