Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Festivales de Buenos Aires


ar  Dúo Contrabón's biography

Dúo Contrabón


The Contrabón duo features a unique line-up of double bass and trombone. Double bass player Gustavo Lorenzatti and trombonist Pablo Fenoglio created this duo in Córdoba with the idea of playing a different repertoire rich in new timbral combinations. Buenas Nuevas (BAU) is the name of the album that the duo released in 2010. They will perform in this edition of the Buenos Aires Jazz accompanied by guitarist, composer and producer Fernando Tarrés, who will manipulate electronically processed sounds and images in real time.



email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires