Day by Day

top october 13

09:00 h
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Osmego Dnia Theater’s work method

WorkshopsElkafka Espacio Teatral

Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

Group improvisation is a creative method developed by Theatre Osmego Dnia. It is a process of building a performance from its foundations – a way of “writing on the stage”, whose original element is actor’s improvisation on the before formulated subject.

Ewa Wojciak, Tadeusz Janiszewszki, Marcin Keszycki y Adam Borowski – Poznan / Poland

Time: from 9am to 1pm

This workshop lasts 3 days: October 12th, 13th and 14th.

09:00 h
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Public Theaters


The main goal of this meeting, coordinated by Guillermo Heras, is to discuss different cooperation, interrelation, and interchange strategies in the specific area of activities carried out by the Public Centres of Stage Production, whether they are local, regional, autonomous, provincial, national or transnational.

For further information:

10:00 h
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Lamp scenic movements

WorkshopsIUNA - Sede Venezuela

Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

A group of people will be instructed in this unsual dance movement. This group will later work on the presentation of Are you really lost? during FIBA.

Octavio Zeivy – México DF / Mexico

Time: from 10am to 2pm

This workshops lasts 5 days: from October 12th to October 16th.

14:00 h
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From training to staging – The creative work of the actor

WorkshopsEl Muererío Teatro

Workshops require previous inscription and selection, open until September 25th. For further information please write to:

This workshop proposes the production of scenic material by the actor/performer through the use of developed tools, used in a model acting training based on an intense physical and vocal work.

Diego Starosta – Buenos Aires / Argentina

Time: from 4pm to 5 pm

This workshop lasts 3 days: October 13th, 14th and 15th.

15:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: Obra lumínica

ShowsLa Carbonera

Obra lumínica is an arbitrary as well as a fussy proposal. This is the gathering of the work of a group of artists who perform with lights; however, they are most of the time, paradoxically, invisible. This performance also allows the coexistence, in the same theatre, of small-format plays, where light has a leading role.

16:00 h
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Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (1980)

Hamlet CameraHarrods

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (1980)
Great Britain, 210 minutes

Direction: Rodney Bennett
Production: Cedric Messina
Edition: Dave Hillier
Production Desing: Don Homfray
Music: Dudley Simpson
Cast: Derek Jacobi, Claire Bloom, Patrick Stewart, Eric Porter, Lalla Ward, David Robb, Patrick Allen, Robert Swann, Jonathan Hyde, Geoffrey Bateman and Emrys James

In 1978, the BBC posed itself the challenge of giving a television register to the complete works of William Shakespeare. The different productions kept loyal to the original texts and counted on prestigious actors in the leading roles. There is no doubt that it is didactic television, but still in a model that is worth contemplating.

18:00 h
more info buyAR$40.00

Seoul / Corea: Hotel Splendid

ShowsTeatro San Martín - Sala Martín Coronado

Though the Cho-In Theatre Company has never used words before in its works, this play uses the words of the American poet and playwrighter who, with passion and poetry, tells the story of 200,000 women–most of them Korean–who were taken prisoners as sexual slaves by the Japanese army during World War II. This play is a tribute to all these women who, still today, want to be recognized and need to tell the world all the atrocities they have lived.

19:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: The victory to La Madrecita

ShowsCaras y caretas

The play is about La Madrecita; a girl from the northern part of the country ,who is said to have special miraculous powers, and her untiring sister. While one lives having visions all the time, fighting against the eventual visits of the devil, and receiving pilgrims; the other one dedicates herself to administrate the charity money that people give them. But one day, upon having been expelled from their place, they move to a very agitated Buenos Aires right in the midst of its last dictatorship.

19:00 h
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San Miguel de Tucumán / Argentina: Il fait mauvais… llueve

ShowsPatio de Actores

Il fait mauvais… llueve is marked by a playful spirit, to such an extent that not only the title is in French, but almost all the performance is spoken in that language, sometimes accompanied by simultaneous translations.
From the very beginning, the audience knows that there is no story to look for. Because, what this company does is to build, by working with both languages, a third language that is pure materiality, thus leaving the semantic part drastically in a second place.

19:00 h
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Badago ala ez dago? / Is there or not?

Babel, the libraryBiblioteca M. del Barco Centenera

A literary work by Yolanda Arrieta Malaxetxebarria (Basque).

Text reading will be carried out in its original language and attendance will receive a translated copy upon entry.

19:00 h
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Dvaja / Both

Babel, the libraryBiblioteca Miguel Cané

A literary work by Július Barc-Ivan (Slovak).

Text reading will be carried out in its original language and attendance will receive a translated copy upon entry.

19:00 h
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Volem ana al Tibidabo / We want to go to Tibidabo

Babel, the libraryCasal de Cataluña

A literary work by Cristina Clemente (Catalan).

Text reading will be carried out in its original language and attendance will receive a translated copy upon entry.

20:00 h
more info buyAR$40.00

Santiago / Chile: Clase

ShowsTeatro Payró

There are two characters; a professor and a student who are inside the class, discussing their points of view on politics, while outside there is a student demonstration claiming for their rights. It is the famous Marcha de los Pingüinos (Penguins March) which took place in 2006. Calderón uses this setting to confront two generations which live in the same country, but that haven´t experienced the same story nor the same tragedies.

20:00 h
more info buyAR$40.00

Wroclaw / Polonia: El caso Dantón / Sprawa Dantona

ShowsCiudad Cultural Konex

Klata's stage production combines three time levels that overlap without suffering any conflict. On one hand,and through its costumes, it represents the Revolutionary France of 1789. On the other hand , and through the music, it makes reference to the cultural imaginary associated with May 1968, to finally give us a critical opinion of an impoverished city–that could be any city at all–at the present.

20:00 h
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Hamlet (1964)

Hamlet CameraHarrods

Hamlet (1964)
United States, 191 minutes

Direction of Camera: Bill Colleran
Scene setting: John Gielgud
Production: Alfred W. Crown, John Heyman and William Sargent Jr.
Cinematography: Bill Colleran
Staging : Bruce B. Pierce
Production design: Ben Edwards
Cast : Richard Burton, Hume Cronyn, Alfred Drake, Eileen Herlie, William Redfield, George Rose, George Voskovec, Hugh Alexander, Philip Coolidge and Christopher Culkin

Richard Burton starrs this version of John Gielgud in Broadway. The version was registered during a performance with the sole purpose of spreading the staging in cinema rooms. Under a contract, the copies were supposed to be destroyed. However, and fortunately, Burton ignored the deal and sent a copy to the British Film Institute and decided to keep another at home for himself.

21:00 h
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Córdoba / Argentina: Nursing. Elemental. Manual de procedimientos

ShowsEspacio Ecléctico

This play about the story, the friendship, and the competition between three nurses, is the basis used to show a crucial moment of Argentine culture. Nursing… is about the years when nursing was turned into a profession by the peronism; fact which allows the creator to work on the imaginary which surrounds Perón and Eva, as a result of the admiration these three workers from a hospital, situated in the interior of the country, felt for Eva Perón.

21:00 h
more info buyAR$40.00

París / Francia: La Comisión central para la infancia

ShowsTeatro del Pueblo

Childhood´s Central Commission were a set of institutions –around 50 in France– that were dedicated to recover and save nearly 15,000 children who were left orphans after the war, stripped of their loved ones and of their traditions also. In this one-man-show, Lescot lends his body and his voice to thousands of children ,as a way to make use of the theatre to preserve the memories. A highly moving and intimate performance.

21:00 h
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Buenos Aires / Argentina: Exactamente bajo el sol

ShowsAbasto Social Club

This is the story of a seamstress, her mother, and her daughter, who host a nephew who came to town to take a music specialization course. Since his arrival, an erotic and endogamic play starts, recalling the personality of Serge Gainsbourg, that French interpreter so much loved and desired by women as well as so detested by the defenders of morality and good manners.

23:30 h

Sebastián Schachtel

Little Night MusicHarrods