Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ministerio de Cultura


us Christine Correa's biography

Christine Correa

The singer Christine Correa, from her first times as a New York resident, she got involved in different musical projects oriented to improvisation. She performed and recorded with Steve Lacy, Ran Blake and John La Porta, besides singing in numerous festivals in the United Stated, Europe and India. She is part of the Frank Carlberg quintet, dedicated to interpret the poetry of contemporary writers such as Robert Creeley, Anselm Hollo and Jack Kerouac. Her voice appears in The Crazy Woman, Variations on a Summer Day, In the Land of Art, State of the Union and The American Dream. Christine also collaborated in diverse projects with composers as renowned as Steve Grover, Sam Sadigursky, Nicholas Urie, Guillaume Orti and Laurent Coq. She recorded two albums with the pianist Ran Blake, Roundabout and Out of the Shadows and participates in some of The Battery Dance Company presentations. Beyond the New York scene, she performed in her home country India, Scandinavia, France, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Jordan, Israel and Morocco. She currently lives in Brooklyn and is part of the educative staff of the Jazz Department at Columbia University besides being the director of the Maine Jazz Camp, created for high school students.

Date and Time

email info@festivales.gob.ar   phone 0800-333-7848 / M to F / 10:00am to 08:00pm
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires